English Language Curriculum

English Language curriculum provides students with a great variety of learning experiences to enhance their English proficiency and broaden students’ knowledge for study, work and leisure.

Junior Curriculum

We aim to help students consolidate their English foundation in junior form. Besides, self-directed learning and project learning are implemented to provide a diverse range of learning experiences and develop students’ competence in using English. Moreover, various e-learning apps are applied into the learning process to offer interactive and gamified experiences so that students can be highly engaged and enhance their English proficiency.


Senior Curriculum 

While learning the regular English curriculum, we also recognize the significance of English by helping all our students, including struggling students, develop their English language skills. We have tailor-made curriculum for students to prepare them to sit for the public examination. Besides, school-based components are incorporated into the senior form curriculum to provide students with more diversified learning experiences, namely IELTs, Enhancement & Enrichment programmes and so on.




The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College
地址: 新界葵涌葵葉街2-4號
Address: 2-4 Kwai Yip Street Kwai Chung
電話: 24279121
傳真: 24245157
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